Saturday, October 13, 2012

First post from aboard the Zaandam!

I have officially survived rehearsals, travel to Vancouver and am now on Day 2 of my first ever cruise! (I'm writing this on Oct. 11th, btw – just posting whenever I get an internet connection.) Rehearsals were great, but of course it's nice to have that part over lol. The flight from LA to Vancouver...not so great. Because I am the luckiest person ever, it just so happened that the baggage check-in system for Alaska Airlines completely shut down RIGHT as I got to it. The rest of the cast had gotten checked in, so they were all upstairs and I chilled downstairs by myself. Apparently it was a system-wide white out on the computer system, so no flights were taking off all morning all across the country. I waited at the check in for a good three hours, and let me tell you I have NEVER been happier to be at the beginning of a line in my life! As the morning passed by, hundreds of people were in line with their luggage waiting to check in. Once they finally started going through people (manually, which sucks for the workers), who was the first one through security?? THIS girl! Bwahahahaha. Our director felt so bad for me that he bought me two glasses of wine when I made it up to where they were waiting, so it wasn't all bad ;)

No worries, we did finally make it to Vancouver, which is GORGEOUS. I was so sad that we didn't have more time there since we were delayed, because I wish I could have seen more of it! Myself and a couple other cast members ventured downtown anyway, and it was so nice!!! The weather wasn't too bad (a bit chilly, obviously, but not freezing cold), the downtown area was clean and cute AND on the water...very picturesque. I was a little sad because I really wanted to see a couple of the buildings they used when shooting Smallville, but we just didn't have enough time. Next time for sure! And I would be forever happy if we get to see the Hatley Castle in Victoria when we go through there during this cruise, since that's the building used as the Luthor Mansion ;) We shall see – but my fingers are crossed!

In the meantime, we've been doing nothing but rehearsing and sleeping since we got on board. Tonight is our first ever performance! We'll be doing “Love Broadway,” which is definitely my hardest show and that makes it a little nerve-wracking, but in a way I guess it's good because I'll have it under my belt sooner rather than later. So, here goes nothing! Wish us luck!

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