Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Boy is it a slow day today!  The last two and a half hours have felt like at least five, so I'm in for a GREAT day.  Not to mention that, even though the index is around 110 today, I'm sitting here in a sweater with a scarf over my legs...there is something wrong with this picture.

The summer heat is nothing new, even if this year if particularly bad.  I find it a little funny because this group I'm helping this week with loading in and out of the Simon Estes Amphitheatre sent out at least four e-mails about heat exhaustion and health and hydration and all that, telling everyone that they have to adapt to the heat to work outdoors.  Now don't get me wrong, I totally understand that and yes, the heat is going to suck immensely, but a part of me laughs at it a little bit.

(Cue nostalgic anecdote)
As someone who grew up doing chores morning and night, rain and shine throughout my teenage years, I think it's safe to say I know a thing or two about working in the heat.  It didn't matter if it was 10 below or 110, you have no choice but to do the work, and sometimes that work was relatively heavy.  Anyone who showed livestock in the summer knew exactly how bad the heat could get.  Not only do chores suck when it's hot, but standing and trying to keep your composure while showing/controlling your animal and while sweat drips/pours down your back is far from fun.  I remember I was always jealous of the other livestock kids because they got to wear short-sleeved 4-H shirts while us horse kids had to wear the jeans AND a long-sleeve shirt.  UGH!  And while I love any excuse to wear my cowboy hat, being required to wear it when the rest of your body is covered and sweating isn't exactly ideal.  Yet, somehow, I still managed to enjoy showing at the county fair :)

One of the biggest downsides to the heat is how it affects food, particularly candy.  Candy is nearly impossible to make if the humidity is too high, and although I feel like the aspect of pure heat is much more the issue than humidity at this point in the forecast, the humidity is still pretty high.  I haven't attempted any of the candy items yet, but I'm keeping my air conditioner at a dull roar to hopefully combat any excessive humidity in my apartment.  Luckily my place is pretty small, so hopefully the air temp will be easy to control.

In the course of this slow morning, my attention has turned towards biscuits.  After the failure that was my Chipotle Sweet Potato Biscuits, I'm in the market for another recipe.  So far I've found a few that sound promising:

Spiced Biscuits (contains nutmeg, cloves, and ginger)
Crispy Parmesan Biscuits
Cream Cheese & Chive Biscuits
Buttermilk Cheddar Biscuits

I'm leaning towards trying the Cream Cheese & Chive or the Crispy Parmesan at this point.  Part of the judging for this divison is on Originality, and I think these sound like good contenders.  We shall see!

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