Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sometimes life changes when you least expect it

Here it is - my first post of 2012!  The Iowa State Fair is LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!!!  I've started my preparations: I have done a few test runs of some items, plus I'm taking the Wilton cake decorating class at Michael's to help hone my decorative skills.  However, something has come up that makes this time of year even more exciting and crazy than it already is...

I have accepted an 8 month contract with Holland America Cruise Lines to be a Lead singer!  The offer came in from Stiletto Entertainment, the casting company, a little over a week ago, and I COULD NOT believe it.  The reason for my overly exhaustive disbelief is that I auditioned for Stiletto over two years ago, when I was in my last semester of college.  The audition went very well and I made it onto their "hiring waiting list" of sorts and, well, I have been waiting ever since lol.  I continued to live my life - took an internship, moved to Missouri, disliked Missouri, moved back to Iowa, worked for a newspaper, and now work for a marketing firm - all with it still in the back of my mind that someday I might get that job.  Well, it's better late than never I always say :)  It is also a testament to the fact that persistence and patience do, indeed, pay off.  So, there's a little moral lesson for the younguns out there.

This new development rather changes my approach to this part of the year.  I will be blogging this year not just about the State Fair, but my preparation to leave behind the life I've cultivated here in Iowa.  So far, I am in the "planning" stage of everything - I haven't acted on anything as of yet (I don't leave until Sept. 7th, so I've got some time).  Hopefully I will be able to balance the State Fair chaos with the moving chaos without losing my mind...hopefully.

SIDE BAR:  I entered the "Oh Say Can You Sing" contest for the Des Moines Register, and could REALLY use everyone's help with the voting!  You can go to the contest at:

You do have to register to vote, but it just takes a minute (you can use your Facebook account to expedite it), and it would REALLY mean a lot to me!  First place gets to sing the National Anthem on opening day of the State Fair AND a pair of tickets to a Grandstand concert!!!  Now what better going-away present could there possibly be??  ;)  Thanks in advance for all of your love and support!

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